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No more food waste


Introducing Chitosan.


Food security is one of the global challenges in near future. We want to greatly reduce food waste by providing easy access and use of natural preservatives. Natural preservatives that can be used by anyone, anywhere. Safe for the environment, health, and guarantee future for next generations.


Our patented proprietary formulation is powered by chitosan that is naturally derived. Chitosan as an active ingredient perform with dual mechanism acting as 1.) biofilm to protect fresh food against environment and 2.) act as antimicrobial against fungal. This unique combination set chitafood apart from other products in the market.


Imagine the results, a solution that might change the world.

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Tukiyem Ukik,
Crispy Mushroom

“My product still good and lasts for fivemonths which previously only lasted two months. Keep it crunchy and savory, the taste stays the same”

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Aneke Putri Widyantari, CV Ramu Padu Nusantara

“Before I used Chitafood, my product only lasted two months, after I used Chitafood, it lasted for a year. It does not change the color, smell and taste, so my products have the taste that I want”

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Yulia Angelina
PT Wayo Teman Baikmu

Dragon fruit can last for 10 days which previously only lasted 4 days, Easy and economical use”

  • What is Chitafood?
    Chitafood is a natural food and beverage preservative made from chitosan. Chitosan is produced from hard-skinned animals, especially from the sea such as shrimp, crab, and crab shells. and squid. Chitosan is a material that can be used as a preservative to replace formalin because it can inhibit the growth of destructive microorganisms and at the same time coat the preserved product so that there is minimal interaction between the product and its environment.
  • How does Chitafood keep product fresh?
    Chitafood is a bio-polymer capable of forming edible coatings. Edible Coating is an invisible layer that can be made of polysaccharides / proteins / fats. This layer is able to become a barrier for oxygen to enter and be physically stressed so that food does not go bad/stale and prevents water in food from coming out so that the water content is maintained. The coating is also able to prevent the emergence of bacteria that can accelerate decay.
  • What is Chitafood made of?
    Chitafood made from Chitosan. Chitosan is produced from hard-skinned animals, especially from the sea such as shrimp shells, crabs, crabs. and squid. Chitosan (poly-f-1,4-glucosamine) is a natural polymer, with a molecular structure similar to cellulose (fiber in vegetables and fruits) except that it is located in the C-2 chain group where the hydroxy group (OH) at C-2 is replaced by the amine (NH2).
  • Is Chitafood safe to eat?
    The manufacture of chitosan requires polysaccharides not from protein. Many allergies are caused by protein in the animal. However, preservative Chitafood has gone through the extraction process and it happens deprotein so that the protein from seafood has dissolved and is lost.Chitafood has gone through various assessment and verification processes so that it has succeeded in obtaining official permits from the Food and Drug Supervisory Agency (BPOM in Indonesia) and Halal.
  • How is Chitafood applied?
    For Fruit* Mix Chitafood and water in a ratio 1:2 Mix well Dip the fruit in the Chitafood mixture and the water (dip) or spray the fruit with the Chitafood solution (spray) Dip for 5 minutes Put up then dry For Food and Beverage* Mix Chitafood with product ingredients with a dose of 10% of the total weight of the product ingredients (eg product ingredients 10 kg then Chitafood 100 ml) Mix well Mix Chitafood with product ingredients while in the cooking/stirring process *results can vary depends on application, it is recommended for consultation first.
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